[color=Navy] Unbreakable Westlife
Took my hands, touched my heart Held me close, you were always there By my side, night and day Through it all, baby come what may Swept away on a wave of emotion Oh we're caught in the eye of the storm And whenever you smile I can hardly believe that you're mine Believe that you're mine
This love is unbreakable It's unmistakable And each time I look in your eyes I know why This love is untouchable A feeling my heart just can't deny Each time I look in your eyes, oh baby I know why This love is unbreakable
Share the laughter, share the tears We both know we'll go on from here Cuz together, we are strong In my arms, that's where you belong I've been touched by the hands of an angel I've been blessed by the power of love And whenever you smile I can hardly believe that you're mine
This love is unbreakable It's unmistakable Each time I look in your eyes I know why This love is untouchable A feeling my heart just can't deny Each time you whisper my name, oh baby I know why
This love is unbreakable Through fire and flame When all this is over Our love still remains
This love is unbreakable It's unmistakable Each time I look in your eyes I know why This love is untouchable A feeling my heart just can't deny Each time you whisper my name, oh baby I know why Cuz each time I look in your eyes, oh baby I know why This love is unbreakable
球迷们听到这首歌应该会想起来《天下足球》曾做的一期栏目, 黑白的照片和录影一遍遍循环上演,背景音乐就是它。 Westlife是我很喜欢的一支流行乐队,四个爱尔兰的小伙子,干净纯净的气息。 《Flying without wings》、《Fool again》、《My love》都是百听不厌的曲目。
YaYa在Q上说,你快回来,我一人承受不来,我看了心里抽搐了好一阵; 咪咪的个性签名是她五月份参加托福的成绩,590多分,真棒! 她是否还记得高三时我们自习课一人分一只耳机听CD的情景了,就是这首歌。
那天偶然在Q上见到Jean,我的初中同学。 我现在只能称他为同学,如果时光有倒流,我们不错过,也许会改变。 高中时他去了英国,去年考上了lancaster university, 现在他回国有半个月了,也有女朋友了,在英国的认识的,比他大半岁。 这不是个坏消息,这是理所当然的,我安慰自己。 我们从2001年的夏天分道扬镳,各自过着不同的生活,把曾经美好的暗恋全部埋葬。 只是当时得知这个消息的我站在阳台,嘴上平静,脑袋翻涌。 看见两只白鹭从眼前飞过,翅膀反射着晃眼的白光。 心在下坠,慌乱地下坠。
YaYa说的对,缘靠天定,份在人为。 事过境迁,不去想。在错的时间遇见对的人,是走不长的。 我只想要个温暖的归宿,那时的青涩感情,是用来祭奠的吧。
This love is unbreakable,it's unmistakable...