




【Move on】

晚上和郭同学吃饭,席间我向他询问Tony过得好不好。他说他又换工作了,终于跳出以前的圈子, 虽然还是做销售,但现在是高端英语课程,想来是比以前更自由吧。 而且,他还跟另外一个同学准备开甜品店,曾把做好的甜品拿去跟他们分享,咨询他们该如何定价,等等。

我们曾经在一起1000多个日日夜夜,我竟然不知道他会做甜品,更不知道他想开甜品店。 哦,那一刻我觉得原来我们那么陌生。

以前在杨浦住的时候,小区楼下不远有个特别小的做寿司的店,我们常去吃,还跟那老板闲聊原料和成本。 我曾在一次晚上睡前认真地跟他提过我们要不要一起投资帮那老板扩张店面什么的, 黑暗中他有一搭没一搭地哼着,然后就睡去了。


我们俩吃完饭在水雾濛濛的黄浦江边站了会儿, 郭同学说,你们是去年8月分的吧,现在都大半年了,但感觉好像没那么长。 我笑笑,我觉得挺久的了,我都几乎记不得我们一起时的那些细节了。 他把这么好的你放了,郭同学欲言又止。 我说,不,也许你单独远看一个人挺好,但不代表你跟TA在一起生活也会好。

我们常常喜欢或欣赏一个人时,是TA独处的状态,可是你不知道跟TA生活在一起会怎样, TA可能完全不是你之前以为的那个人,这也是为什么人们都说在婚姻里要找那个合适的才对。 这个合适的人,也许仅仅看来,并不出众特别,可生活在一起时没那么多矛盾和冲突, 也许就是在你累了一整天回家能给你端上一碗热汤,递上一条热毛巾,足矣。

我现在知道我要什么,但愿他也知道他要什么, 我们的目的都是让自己生活得更好, 至于是不是还跟对方在一起,也许不那么重要。

I'll Move On

Olivia Ong

This road that I'm taking Twists and turns My life my chance turning dreams into reality. Down this path Faced with so many things Sometimes I feel like giving up and turn away

Can't seem to go on. And I've been thru' this before. Now where am I? Where do I stand? A little lost here. But I'll remember. All those times you've bought me thru'. I'd be a fool to give up cos' the goal is near

I'll move on I'll go on. Lord I will take your hand. And you will guide me along. Survive thru' this storm. So I say, come what may. I'll hold on to my hope. Yes, I will walk down this road. And my passion drive will lead me on.

Here I am Once again Caught in the rain. Looking back I've come sofar And I want to carry on

Take a step A little time It's alright. Even thru' this rain, I want to smile again

Don't hold back now. And i've been thru' this before. Now where am I? Where do I stand? A little lost here. But I'll remember. All those times you've bought me thru'. I can feel the sun shining down on me

Here I am, Here I am. Lord I will take your hand. And you will guide me along. Survive thru' this storm. So I say, come what may. I'll hold on to my hope. Yes, I will walk down this road. And my passion drive will lead me on.