





[img]http://images.blogcn.com/2007/3/15/11/blueshine000,20070315213519.jpg[/img] [color=Black] Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow airport. General opinions makes out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. Seems to me that love is everywhere. Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy but it's always there. Fathers and sons,mothers and daughters, husbands and wives,boyfriends,girlfriends,old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know, none of the phone calls from people on board were messages of hate or revenge, they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around...

伦敦的Heathrow机场, 从初中的《Look Ahead》到现在的《BEC Vantage》, 是我学过的英版教材里最常出现的对话场景, 而这部电影,让我第一次真实地感触到Heathrow的温存。

其实英国人把玩浪漫的手段绝不逊色于法国人, 法式浪漫或多或少艺术性太强,看起来会觉得闷, 所以英式幽默兑入蜜糖浪漫的片子, 总能轻松地传递愉悦。

寒假在家看的《巴黎,我爱你》也是这种短篇故事集类型, 但它出自20个导演之手,风格迥异,剧情不统一, 因此没有很强烈的感受。

可这次是真的被深深感动了, 在这暖而湿润的三月。 我哭哭笑笑,用完了一整包纸巾。

过气的摇滚歌星想重返舞台找回曾经的荣耀与喝彩; 失恋独居的作家渐渐喜欢上照顾他的葡萄牙女人; 婚礼后的新娘发现她被丈夫的好友所暗恋; 十一岁的男孩爱上了与他去世的母亲同名的美国女孩; 而连首相,也差点因为害羞和胆怯, 失去了与他共处日子不多的女秘书。

据说片名是“Love Actually is All Around”的简称, 而这个名称和《四个婚礼一个葬礼》的主题曲 “Love is All Around”大有渊源, 这首旋律优美浪漫的主题歌 正是片子导演 Richard Curtis写的, 当然,他还是《诺丁山》、《BJ单身日记》的剧本撰写者。

